Mission de Vie's annual Unity and Solidarity campaign seeks to provide food and clothing to those who live 'in poverty, out of sight'.
The UN is appealing for more funds to assist the 19 million Yemenis who require humanitarian aid.
Three social protection centres across Lebanon are working to remove children from the workforce as part of a national plan to end child labour.
Around 18.8 million Yemenis are in need of humanitarian assistance, with an estimated 10.3 million in need of some form of immediate help.
Former inmates describe the brutal treatment they suffered in Syrian prisons and confirm the veracity of a new Amnesty International report.
Civil society organisations and youth initiatives are delivering food and blankets to people displaced due to the war.
Human rights activists warn of the Houthis' recruitment of children and call on all combatants to protect youth and halt attacks on schools.
A number of Syrian refugees in Lebanon say they have yet to receive the single card relief agencies issued in October to facilitate access to aid.
Dozens of Syrian families who remain in rural al-Raqa have made the decision to flee to Lebanon as the battle to liberate the area approaches.
Civil society organisations and others are mobilising to provide food aid and medical assistance to residents of the western coastal province.