A group of fighters who work at the behest of Russian President Vladimir Putin have been co-ordinating a massive recruitment effort of Syrian youths to back Khalifa Haftar in Libya.
Iran has launched its first military satellite, which the US alleges is a cover for its development of missiles, as it asks for coronavirus funds.
Prisoner exchanges, albeit small, have been taking place since the UN called on the warring sides to release detainees amid the health crisis.
The UN and others have urged all parties to engage in dialogue to resolve disputes over the implementation of the Riyadh agreement.
Yemen's government condemned the move, while the Arab coalition reiterated the need 'to promptly implement the Riyadh Agreement'.
The militia has been exploiting the centres, set up to prevent the spread of COVID-19, to indoctrinate quarantined travellers with its ideology.
The effect of sanctions targeting the economic interests of the Iranian regime and its agents is becoming increasingly evident.
Experts: Concealing information about the coronavirus outbreak serves the IRGC’s interests
The decision to close the only land crossing with the kingdom comes as part of measures to contain the spread of novel coronavirus pandemic.
International experts are calling for the release of detainees and political prisoners as coronavirus pandemic spreads in the region.