The World Bank-funded project creates community enhancement jobs for internally displaced persons who are struggling to find work.
A drop in the number of foreign patients travelling to Jordan for care has spurred private hospitals to launch an initiative to promote the sector.
Losses incurred by Yemen's transport sector since the outbreak of the conflict amount to close to $2.5 billion, the Ministry of Transport said.
The government is taking measures to rescue the economy from collapse as a result of the Houthis' tampering with state institutions, officials say.
The Iranian regime's financial and military support for sectarian militias across the region is worsening the economic suffering of citizens inside Iran.
A new government survey of damaged buildings shows that 11,711 houses in the southern port city will require repair and rehabilitation work.
Jordan has called for increased international help to address its water scarcity crisis, which has been exacerbated by the influx of refugees.
During a recent visit to Yemen, UN Emergency Relief Co-ordinator Stephen O'Brien called on all parties to return to the negotiating table.
Apple growers are facing another year of losses as the continued closure of land routes to Syria has prevented them from exporting their produce.
A Hizbullah-affiliated minister's attempts to deepen financial ties with Iran poses legal, practical and political problems, experts say.