Iranians who are angered by the incident and the regime's handling of it have taken to the streets in Tehran and beyond in protest.
Moeen Abdulmalik's return, which follows a November deal with the Southern Transitional Council (STC), heralds the government's return to Aden.
Iranian officials from across the political spectrum have been critical of the actions and positions of the IRGC, analysts tell Diyaruna.
Maarat al-Numan musician Amir al-Muarri has had help mixing tracks from friends found on the internet, including many in Lebanon.
Scandalous videos of two Iranian politicians have stripped them of their aura of respectability and reveal the regime's double standards.
As war continues and the economy worsens, the militia has been collecting money and dispensing punishment under various pretexts.
The Lebanese militia has been flooding Jordan with illegal drugs, which are being smuggled into the kingdom via the desert areas of Syria.
Thousands of children are sent to camps in Houthi-controlled areas, where some are indoctrinated with sectarian ideology and taught to fight.
The city's old souk used to sell mainly handicraft items, but when the war erupted, most merchants turned to selling weapons.
As Iraqis become increasingly weary of the Iran-backed militias, the latter have been resorting to bribing poor people into attending events that serve Iran's agenda.