Saudis urged to report extremist activity via mobile app

Saudi authorities have called on the public to report on the social media activities of fellow citizens who seek to spread extremist or terrorist ideology, AFP reported Wednesday (September 13th).

"When you notice any account on social media spreading terrorist or extremist ideas, please report it immediately," a social media account connected with the Interior Ministry said Tuesday.

It directed citizens to report suspicious activity via a government-run "We are all security" mobile application.

The app was created in February 2017 but had previously been geared towards reporting traffic violations and theft.

The call was followed by social media messages from the public prosecutor's office defining "terrorist crimes" as "endangering national unity, obstructing the constitution or its articles, or harming the reputation of the state".

Another message said these crimes included "any action committed by an individual criminal or group -- directly or indirectly -- intended to disrupt the public order or destabilise the security of the state or society".

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